Collection: Martin Mania: The Ultimate Martin Trivia Game Collection

Step into the world of Martin Payne and his lovable band of friends with our captivating "Martin Trivia Game" collection. Just like chilling in Martin's apartment on a Friday night, these games immerse you in the zany adventures and hilarious quips that made this sitcom a cherished pillar of Black television. Whether you're a die-hard fan able to recite every line of "Damn Gina" or a newcomer just getting acquainted with "Jerome in The House," you'll find joy, humor, and a bit of nostalgia in each round of trivia. As Maya Angelou beautifully said, "People will forget what you said...but people will never forget how you made them feel." Come, feel the laughter and camaraderie that Martin and his crew continue to inspire in living rooms around the world.